Stormwater Projects & Activities

Stormwater Projects (anything that has been paid for by the Stormwater Budget)

  • 2019 – Riverbank Lane Road Project – spent $542,173.49 (Some of this is being repaid through special assessments.)
  • 2022 – Poppy Street Road Project/Reconstruction – spent $111,000
  • 2022 – 233rd/Nacre Ditch Cleaning – spent $9,500
  • 2021 - Bi-Annual Street Sweeping - spent $26,567.88 
  • 2022 - Bi-Annual Street Sweeping - spent $23,932.75
  • 2023 - Dellwood Project - Riverbank Stabilization (Worked with Anoka Conservation District)
  • 2023 - SFHS Roadside Swale - Added Check Dams (Worked with Anoka Conservation District)
  • 2023 - Two Culvert Replacements 
  • 2023 - Storm Pond Clean-out/Maintenance
  • 2023 - Bi-Annual Street Sweeping - 

Current Projects

  • 2024 - Rain Gardens - Design of curb cut rain gardens in the 225th Ln neighborhood. (Working with Anoka Conservation District)
  • 2024 - Bi-Annual Street Sweeping - spent $12,240
  • 2024 - Storm Pond Clean-out/Maintenance

In the Future, this is what the Budget (stormwater fees) could potentially pay for:

  • Road Projects/Reconstruction (Depending on the District or Road)
  • Ditch work (clean up, redirection of the flow of water, etc.)
  • Storm Drain/Catch Basin/Stormceptor Maintenance/Clean-out
  • Storm Pond Maintenance/Clean-out
  • Bi-annual Street Sweeping (twice a year, if not more)
  • Other